Radio is off air for hiatus, we're back broadcasting live summer 2024

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You are in the dark but I can see you! is an online radio station started by a community of artists in summer 2023. Dedicated to the cosmic unseen with fluid and fluctuating intensions, there is no concrete manifesto.

Currently broadcasting live ♫Thursday and Sunday evenings♫ from a diverse volunteer community of individual programme makers, institutions, venues and creative spaces, we are continuously expanding our scheduling and are always welcoming to new programme ideas. With weekly, monthly and one-off programme specials, You are in the dark but I can see you! presents a varied output of shows from sound and music orientated to documentary, performance and discussion.
News and scheduling on Instagram.

Your choice to support helps contribute directly towards the monthly hosting, archiving and broadcasting costs of keeping radio on air, as well as the hours spent with programming, coding, admin, new radio projects, etc. If you listen to it, and if you want to and you're able to, you can support radio for 3£ a month.

